Dressage for Dads is my way to help myself and other dads learn about dressage, learn about horses, and learn about daughters (or sons). My pseudonym, DDD, stands for Dumb Dressage Dad, because that is exactly how I feel most of the time. And while I'm learning, I'm continually reminded how little I know and how much more there is to learn. So if you are also a DDD and care to take this journey with me, welcome aboard.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Where the Hell is X???

We all know that X marks the spot. But what spot??? In a dressage arena X marks a very specific spot but one where no treasure is likely to be found unless you consider horse crap treasure (The amount I spend to have horse crap produced, perhaps it is treasure :s).

 But before we find X, we need to learn a little more about the dressage arena.

The dressage arena is where the rider-horse team play or perform their test. I didn’t know this but there are two sizes for a dressage arena – the short arena measuring 20m by 40m and the standard arena measuring 20m by 60m. Notice it is in metric (metres) as opposed to imperial (feet). I assume that must be traditional due to the French influence (Note – it was a Frenchman who created the metric system).

The standard dressage arena is separated into quadrants indicated by letters. Separating the 20m width in half are letters A (at the back of the arena) and C (at the front of the arena – where the judge sits). When the rider enters the arena for a test, they enter at A. The line between C and A is often referred to as “center line”.

The length of the arena is split up into various sections. B and E mark each side of the center of the arena. The length is then split up into twelve metre section moving from the center in either direction and marked by additional letters. After the final letters, there are six metres remaining to the end of each side of the arena (see the picture below).
(Source: Dressage Academy.  Retrieved Jan 30, 2014
from http://www.dressage-academy.com/dressage-arenas.php)

Okay, so after all that, where the hell is X???? There is no X in the picture.

X marks the center of the arena – half way between C and A and between B and E. Other letters have also been assigned marking the center distance between the twelve metre segments along the length of the arena. Between R and S is indicated by I. Between M and H is indicated by G. Between V and P is indicated by L. And between K and F is indicated by D.

So now we know where X is. But what I still do not know is why these specific letters? Perhaps someone else can help me understand. After all, I’m just a dumb dressage dad.


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