Dressage for Dads is my way to help myself and other dads learn about dressage, learn about horses, and learn about daughters (or sons). My pseudonym, DDD, stands for Dumb Dressage Dad, because that is exactly how I feel most of the time. And while I'm learning, I'm continually reminded how little I know and how much more there is to learn. So if you are also a DDD and care to take this journey with me, welcome aboard.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dressage or Cocaine?

There are many sayings regarding daughters and horses. And they all have a certain ring of truth to them.

My daughters have uttered these to me in the past:

Better the stalls than the malls.”
I would argue better than golf courses too.

It keeps your daughters busy, tired and smelling like horse shit.”
Ode de cheval – a fragrance that will keep most boys away.

 [Dressage is] “As addictive as cocaine…and twice as expensive
Nuff said!


 (Source: I have no idea. It was send to me by my DDDDD)

And the longer you’ve been in it, the more you will come up with yourself. For example, a few that I have come up with all on my own:

Horses teach girls how to handle large, dumb animals.”
A life skill that is certain to help them in the future (i.e. think marriage).

Instead of a 500-horsepower, 2-seater, red convertible, I spent all my money on a 1-horsepower, 1-seater, red convertible
So much for satisfying one’s midlife crisis!

Please share any you have in the comments below.

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