Dressage for Dads is my way to help myself and other dads learn about dressage, learn about horses, and learn about daughters (or sons). My pseudonym, DDD, stands for Dumb Dressage Dad, because that is exactly how I feel most of the time. And while I'm learning, I'm continually reminded how little I know and how much more there is to learn. So if you are also a DDD and care to take this journey with me, welcome aboard.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Dressage Show - Three to Get Ready

Okay, you've spent the time filling out all the show applications and spent the money for the show fees. Now the time is near and it's time to start getting ready and packing. The fun just never ends.

 Packing is one thing. Packing for a horse and a show is something exponentially worse. There is much truth to the saying that "people have dogs; cats have people; and horses have staff" - holy crap!!!! We needed blankets for every potential type of weather, travel wraps, standing wraps, bell boots, halters, bridles, saddles, food, treats, hay...and more hay, stall shavings, electrolytes, grooming supplies, fly spray, stall fan, extension cords, and on and on and on. See the links below for a couple of examples of a horse show checklist to see what I'm talking about. .

Showmom Packing List

85 Must Haves for your Horse Show (85 - Holy Crap!!)

A portable tack box or two helps to help keep things organized. We like the Stanley tool boxes as they have wheels and a handle and can take a beating.

And all this is just for the horse! We still have to pack for ourselves! The rider needs to remember boots, blazer, helmet, gloves, breaches (and something to wear over top of the breaches so they stay white for the show!), hair net, etc. And then clothes for other times especially if you're staying over night. And then food and beverages because the days at the show tend to be long. And remember to bring some comfortable chairs.

Finally, I would strongly recommend packing a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream for the morning coffee for those early mornings on overnight trips. It helps to temper the chaos of the morning activities for DDDs (dumb dressage dads).

Now it's off to the show...

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